Nice to meet you

ABOUT - River-Rocks.jpg

Hello there.

I’m excited to share a bit about myself.

Growing up in a traditional Chinese household, I was immersed in cultural celebrations, like the annual giving of mooncakes, symbolizing hopes for a bountiful harvest. It's a cherished memory that inspired the name of my business.

My upbringing deeply influences who I am today. Raised by immigrant parents who ran a small business, I learned the value of hard work and customer relationships. My father's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction left a lasting impression—he greeted every patron with a smile and a hearty "yes, of course!" As a child, I pitched in by sweeping floors and helping the family business in small ways. This instilled in me a strong work ethic at a young age.

What I love most about design operations and driving change is the thrill of problem-solving, where I get to unleash my creativity alongside my analytical skills. I kick off by diving deep into listening sessions to really grasp the nuances of the challenge. I enjoy using online collaboration tools to brainstorm ideas and quickly gather feedback. And when it comes to sketching out concepts on the fly, my trusty iPad and Apple pencil are always by my side.

Outside of work, you can catch me on the tennis court, practicing a classical piano piece, or whipping up a warm loaf of rustic country bread in the kitchen.

How can I help drive your team operations and design change?